


I am Julia, the oldest of all the fairies and the least light on my feet.  The others are my daughters Dakota, 11, Indi 9, Tana 8 and Georgie 6.  Georgie was born with Down syndrome, and is the heart of our family.  I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer with spread to my liver in December of 2013.  This blog will be about all sorts of things, not just cancer, because I have cancer, but it’s not who I am.  My gorgeous and long suffering partner Gaz is the lone fella.  He loves it, really 🙂

17 thoughts on “About

  1. Julia, a friend of mine cured stage 3 heptocellular liver cancer using high doses of cannabis oil (up to five grams a day at heaviest point).
    Not only that, but his liver is repairing the damage caused by cancer according to his doctors.
    The ontological team at john hunter hospital were gob smacked.
    I have another did the same with hep c. Totally clear.
    While cannabis does not work on all cancers, it can put many into a stasis, and aids incredibly,in recovery.
    I have contacts in your area I could potentially put you in touch with, or you could simply do what so many are doing right now, go join the main medical cannibas users Australia page (mcua), drop a short note about your condition and state you live In asking for help asap.
    You should have any help you want or require within 24 hours.
    Best regards and hope for the best possible outcomes for you


  2. Julia, someone asked me to share your information around, seeking people who had also had a non-regenerating liver.
    I have found someone whose family has that and she is willing to chat to you via FB messaging or similar.
    How should she contact you?


  3. I struggle to find the right words to describe the admiration and hope I have for you. A friend passed on details of your blog and I couldn’t stop reading, crying and smiling at your beautiful family. Your courage as well as honesty is simply amazing. Your post about friends losing other friends after their cancer diagnosis has resonated with me. Your girls (and husband) sound remarkable, I cannot even begin to comprehend the pain you are going through, physically and mentally. I know that I do not know you, but I just wanted to say that you have made an impact on me. Life is not fair, it is cruel and mean at times, but it is also beautiful and amazing, and reading your blog has reminded me of this.


  4. Hi Julia, You are one remarkable woman!! Not only are you dealing with a life threatening disease, having to cope with that on a daily basis in your head is enough, but you are there, in the present, for your beautiful babies and hubby, staying here, being, and remaining so, for them to all relish you, for them you have to be present, you have to be touched and felt and so for you the same. There is alot of things and time to be squeezed into 9 months, you have been through that already, but to prepare you and your family for an even bigger event is enormous. Dealing with your diagnosis and your caner and having a blog to do this through is a very confronting thing, but our society follows anyhow…… you are inspiring….you are amazing….. stay strong…..


  5. I don’t know much about anything, and I can’t begin to imagine what you and your family are going through, but I believe Australia’s foremost liver specialist is Dr Sandra Cabot in Taree and Camden NSW (https://www.sandracabot.com), perhaps she could help you?

    I wish you all the very best for your journey ahead..


  6. Dear Julia,

    Although I do not know you, I feel I do, for I know your story. We are living it as I write. The man whom I love has been given a 6 month sentence just about 2 months ago. However, the doctors have given us a ray of hope by telling us that after 6 to 8 months of treatment, he would remove the tumor and 70 to 75% of his liver which will regenerate somewhat, giving him a new lease on life. We took it running and we are still running with hope and optimism. We will find out if the surgery is a go in mid February. You’re are right, there is no greater hope than to hope that there is a chance we could beat this. That is far better than the 6 months we had been given initially. We have love, we have dreams, and we have hope. We are going to fight it with all that we’ve got. In the meantime, making happy memories and living each day to the fullest. We send you healing thoughts and loving prayers for you and your family. We wish you the very best!


  7. Thank you for the update Julie, when you no doubt want to be spending the time with your family. Sending you every positive vibe in my being. Love & hugs, suz01.


  8. You are writing the best book.
    One that you, your girls and hubby are the best characters. Because they are real. Your words are true. Thank you for letting me into your world. I truly believe that there will be more time beyond this week, next month and next year.
    You have also given greater awareness for bowel cancer. I know you would rather someone else to create that awareness but maybe another person would not break through. Someone else may not have the courage to lead the way through a very risk procedure.
    Thank you.


  9. Hi Julia,

    My wife Sarah put me onto this blog and I haven’t got all the way through it yet. What I have read so far is amazing and I’m hooked. She has just popped out and left the page open on the PC so I thought I would drop you a line whilst she is out. Three reasons, one to introduce myself, two to let you know how amazing you are and your blog is and three to let you know about my wife’s blog.

    My name is Steve Bowers (41 years old) and I’m going through the exact same diagnosis as you, except I have CF (Cystic Fibrosis) and other related troubles as well, making any chemo a nightmare. I am being treated at the Alfred too, but stay on 5 East due to the CF. I go to HOC every three weeks to see the doctor and get a small infusion (if well enough).

    I too have children (Jack 5 and Harry 3) and everyday they (as well as Sarah) give me the strength to deal with it all.

    I have not been keeping a blog (I suppose it’s not the “man” things too do, I don’t know?, I’m sure there are men out there who find this a good way get it out there. It’s just not me) but my AMAZING wife Sarah has started one. MyBritishBulldog is her blog. I’m sure she will be dropping you a line soon as she too is hooked. Cried her eyes out when reading the first two blogs to me.

    Anyway, this was only going to be a short e-mail so I will continue reading and hope one day to maybe catch up with you with my wife.

    I know you probably hear this all the time (as I/we do) but you are inspirational even though I know you are just doing what you need to do (as are we).

    Take care beautiful. X


    • Wonderful to hear from you. Are you on facebook? If so, feel free to add me, I find it such a great way to keep in touch. Julia Watson, and I am the one in the tiara with my little girl xx


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